25 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
NBIC: Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno
There's no one silver bullet technology that's going to make us all into superbeings. The trick is in the
mix of different technologies. NBIC stands for nanotechnology, biotechnology, information
technology, and cognitive science.
Look at it this way: with nanotechnology and biotechnology, we stand to gain control over
inorganic and organic matter. With advanced information technology, we get not just the horrendous
data glut that's now tormenting us (and our National Security Agency), but d...02 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Compactness in Linked Hypertext
Global metrics look at extracting information about the graph as a whole. Compactness is a measure of how connected the graph is; a compact graph means that, in general, it is easy to reach a randomlychosen node from another. The usual measure has a range between 0 (totally disconnected nodes) and 1 (universal connections). Compactness of 0 is obviously hopeless for an information space, but perhaps less obviously the graph shouldn't be too compact either; if authors of webpages are sparing a...A brief summary of compactness in understanding web topology and balance.